Johnny C. Taylor Jr., a human resources expert, is tackling your questions as part of a series for USA TODAY. Taylor is president and CEO of the Society for Human Resource Management, the world’s largest HR professional society.

The questions are submitted by readers, and Taylor’s answers below have been edited for length and clarity.

Have a question? Do you have an HR or work-related question you’d like me to answer? Submit it here.

Question: I’m the only African American in my department, and my supervisor says I’ve taken too much time off. While I did take five days of short-term leave for recovery purposes, the other days I took were when I had no urgent assignments. I’ve earned this time and used less than my co-workers, who are all white. When I asked them about this, I learned they’ve never been questioned about their leave. Is this discrimination? – Anonymous

Johnny C. Taylor Jr.: You might not like this answer, but it’s difficult to determine whether what you are experiencing is, in fact, discrimination. Of course, if you have a valid reason for medical leave, you should not be penalized for it. But there may be other variables at play here.

For example, do your co-workers hold the same position as you within the organization? Have they been there longer than you? Is your performance comparable, or are there discrepancies in employee productivity?

Answering these questions – and others like them – could identify the factor that best explains your circumstance. It may be that you and your co-workers’ situations are all relatively similar, increasing the likelihood that discrimination is a factor. On the other hand, you could be experiencing poor management or a lack of consistent treatment. Preferential treatment, for any number of reasons, is common in the workplace. Race isn’t necessarily that reason.

As a matter of fact, race is rarely the reason. For some, that might be hard to believe – and that’s the problem. All too often, people rush to make things about race. But more times than not, the root of the problem is a misunderstanding caused by a breakdown in communication.

That’s why I recommend reviewing your employer’s policies and procedures before jumping to conclusions. For example, you might check the employee handbook to ensure there are no restrictions on taking earned time off. After that, if you feel you can have an open and honest conversation with your manager, I would urge you to do so.

Talk to your manager about the perceived inconsistencies you’re experiencing, and keep an open mind, so you can truly hear your manager out. Then ask about the best approach to request and receive the time off you have earned.

If, after the discussion with your manager, you still believe that you are the victim of racial discrimination, I recommend you make a formal complaint with an HR professional. HR can conduct a thorough investigation, protect you from retaliation, and determine if you have been illegally discriminated against.


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Q: I’ll be 62 soon, and am looking for meaningful employment. However, I rarely get a response to any application I submit. I feel like they see my age and don’t care to invest much time in me. How can I let potential employers know that I have no retirement plans? – Scott

Taylor: I know it can be tough for people in their 60s to land a new job. Many employers prioritize younger employees for a variety of reasons, so it’s no wonder nearly two-thirds of workers aged 55 to 65 report their age as a barrier to getting a job.

Don’t see this as a crisis. Instead, focus on making yourself the most employable job-seeker possible.

The reality of ageism means you need to work even harder to present yourself as a hardworking, agile, tech-savvy learner who can add significant value to any organization.

To do that, here are a few practical ways to make it clear to prospective employers that you’re ready for work, not retirement.

Pay attention to the details. Are you presenting yourself in a way that looks “old” or feels out-of-touch? Do you have an updated LinkedIn page? What does it say about your core competencies? 

Your email address is another indicator of your agility in an ever-changing world. If you don’t have a Gmail account, create one specifically for job seeking. AOL and Hotmail email accounts, for example, may seem outdated to certain employers.

Make sure your resume features new skills and recent experiences. The more current your resume looks, the more likely an employer is to look past your age and evaluate you on your merits alone. You might also consider removing any information that could reveal your age, for example, graduation years or jobs from earlier in your career.   

Remember, every employer wants to know your potential “value-add.” That means your resume should report tangible results, such as how you impacted the bottom line in your previous positions. Dollar amounts and percentages are valuable. If you saved a past employer $50,000 or increased sales revenue by 20% , you should share that!

However, if you’re still facing obstacles after making the proper adjustments, it might be time to consider specific industries that value older employees more than others. You will find plenty of employers who are committed to hiring people like you.

Best of luck!

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